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O infinito – Ou por que o infinito é um limão


This article presents some of the philosophical reflections concerning the nature of mathematical infinity set out by Lazarus Bendavid in 1789. These reflections are highly important inasmuch as they show Bendavid’s attempt to elucidate Euler’s contribution to the theoretical and algebraic completion of infinitesimal calculus, now interpreted by means of the categorical apparatus developed by Kant in the logical core of the Critique of pure Reason. The passage from finite to infinity, from quantity to quality, from extensive to intensive magnitudes are here elucidated, shedding some light into possible inspirations for especially Schelling and Hegel in their own reflections concerning mathematical infinity.
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  1. BENDAVID, L. Versuch einer logischen Auseinandersetzung des Mathematischen Un-endlichen, Berlin: Petit und Schöne, 1789
  2. BENDAVID, L. Vorlesungen über die Critic der reinen Vernunft. 2. Ed. Berlin: Quien, 1802
  3. BINKELMANN, C. i – oder warum das Imaginäre das eigentlich Irrationale ist. In: Asmuth, Ch.; Neuffer, S. G. (Org.). Irrationalität. Würzburg: K&N, 2015
  4. HEGEL, G.W.F. Der Geist des Christentums und sein Schicksal. In: Werke [in 20 Bän-den], Band 1: Frühe Schriften. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1990
  5. STERN, S. Der preußische Staat und die Juden. Zweiter Teil: Die Zeit Friedrich Wil-helms I, Erste Abteilung: Darstellung. Tübingen: JCB Mohr, 1962


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