The meaning of exception in Hegel´s Philosophy of Right
The terminological meaning of exception (Ausnahme) has not got much attention either in Hegel’s Philosophy of Rightor in his Science of Logiceven though it has a constitutive function in these texts. To prove this, I will show, first, how Hegel uses the Science of Logicas a presupposition for the Philosophy of Right. Second, I will point out some systematical difficulties related thereto. Our focus lies on his Philosophy of Rightbut in order to ensure a better understanding of our subjet-matter, I will show that the logical term ‘exception’ has a constitutive function within the Logic. Afterwards I describe briefly the structure of the Philosophy of Right, so I can propose an answer to the following questions: In what way is it possible to speak of an “exception” considering the different levels of this work? And in what way is the “exception” constitutive of it?References
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