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Call for Papers



Hegel’s oeuvre is a benchmark as regards the association of philosophy with history. His works are central both to the development of a philosophical conception of history and to the establishment of a canon – problematic or not – of the history of philosophy. Moreover, it is fair to say that Hegel’s approach to the history of philosophy is inseparable from Hegelian philosophy itself, since it is through the former that the main concepts of the latter are developed and justified. If this is the case, discussing Hegel's relationship with other traditions of thought not directly included in his history of philosophy is important not only for recognizing the philosophical value of those traditions, but also for indicating the tensions in the conceptual core of Hegelian philosophy. 

Bearing this in mind, this call-for-papers launches a series of dossiers for the Journal Estudos Hegelianos on the topic "Hegel from an intercultural perspective". This series aims to discuss the tense, and yet potentially rich, relationships between Hegelian philosophy and non-European philosophical traditions. For the first volume of this series, we have chosen the topic "Hegel and India". We take this topic to be a suitable one for the inaugural dossier. After all, among Hegel's confrontations with other cultures, the one with Indian thought is one of his most ambiguous. Initially characterized by an attitude of hostility, Hegel’s attitude towards India becomes more ambivalent over time, which is certainly also a consequence of Hegel's increasing access to works on Indian culture and translations of originals. Accordingly, Hegel oscillates in his judgment of the philosophical value of Indian thought. What is at issue in this Hegelian engagement with Indian culture? Is it a simple historical debate about the geographic locations where the philosophical reflection takes place or should one see here also some underlying philosophical challenge? What kind of challenges does the Indian thought pose to Hegel’s philosophy?

These questions are to be explored in this first volume of our series on "Hegel from an Intercultural Perspective”. Thus, we welcome all articles and contributions that deal in any way with Hegel's relationship to Indian culture, thought, philosophy, and religion. In particular, we welcome articles that analyze the role of this confrontation in Hegel's philosophy, as regards not only his conception of the history of philosophy, but also his philosophy of history, aesthetics, religion or even the science of logic. Translations and reviews related to the topic of the dossier are also welcome.


Deadline for submition: September 30th 2022


Suggested topics: 

The place of Indian philosophy in Hegel's history of philosophy;

India in Hegelian philosophy of history;

The problem of subject/consciousness in Hegel and Indian philosophies;

Reception and discussion of Indian philosophy in Hegel and his contemporaries;

Indian art in the Lectures on Aesthetics;

Hegelian and Indian approaches to art;

Contemporary receptions of Hegel's reading of India;

Hegelian and Indian conceptions of history: contrasts and similarities;

Philosophy or Religion? The Hegelian debate on Indian thought;

Religion as a philosophical problem: Hegelian and Indian views on religion.


Lucas Nascimento Machado

Luis Fellipe Garcia