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Call for Papers


The Online Journal of Hegelian Studies (Revista Eletrônica de Estudos Hegelianos) will publish a special issue devoted to the topic of “The Practical Dimension of G.W.F. Hegel’s Logic”. We welcome contributions that explore the link between logic, political philosophy, practical philosophy and theory of action within Hegel’s philosophy.

The special issue aims to shed light on the practical meaning of Hegel’s logic and to address the issue of the role of logic in relation to the thinking activity on the categories, cultural forms, and social institutions of the present.

Leaving behind the opposition between metaphysical and anti-metaphysical, Aristotelian and post-Kantian interpretations that has predominantly characterised the debate on Hegel’s logic in the last thirty years, this special issue wants to challenge such an opposition and to promote the recent debate that finds in the logical categories the forms of a theory of action. 

The following is a list of potential subjects that submissions are invited to address. It is also possible to tackle further related topics.

  • Hegel’s idea of cognition as alteration (Veränderung)
  • Relationship between criticism and speculation in Hegel’s logic
  • Comparison between the structure of thinking and the structure action in Hegel’s philosophy
  • Teleological models for freedom’s realisation in Hegel’s logic
  • Hegel’s dialectics of the crisis-moments of transformative processes
  • Hegel’s idea of immanent critique as self-realisation
  • Hegel’s idea of self-determining subjectivity from a logical and a practical point of view
  • Readings emphasising the practical meaning of Hegel’s logic within post-Hegelian philosophy

    Confirmed contributors: Angelica Nuzzo (CUNY) Paul Redding (SydUNI)
    Luca Illetterati (UNIPD)

We accept texts in Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French, English and German.

For more details, see the “Guidelines for Authors” section of the journal’s website:

Deadline for submission: 31 July, 2022. 

All papers will be double-blind refereed.

The issue will be published at the end of 2022.

For more information, please contact:

Giovanna Luciano: